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Normalized solutions for Schrodinger-Poisson systems with nonlocal critical growth terms

发布时间:2024-06-21 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 贺小明 教授 DateTime: 2024年6月24日(周一)上午10:00-11:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

贺小明,瑶族。中央民族大学理学院教授、研究生导师,美国数学评论评论员,德国数学文摘评论员,中央民族大学应用数学研究所所长。近年来,在非局部椭圆型微分方程解的存在性,多解性,集中性以及规范化解的存在性等方面取得了若干研究成果。已在国内外数学期刊,如Bull. Math. Sci., Manuscript. Math., Calc. Var. PDE,J. Geometric Analysis, J. Differential Equations,Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.,Nonlinearity, SciChinaMath等期刊上发表多篇科研论文,被SCI引用1800多次。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金项目。

Place: 腾讯会议:846-318-081,密码:0624
Abstract:In this talk we are concerned with the existence of normalized solutions for Schrodinger-Poisson systems with nonlocal critical growth terms. We introduce several existence, and multiplicity results for Schrodinger-Poisson systems driven by the classical Laplacian operator or the fractional Laplacian operator. The arguments are based on the constrained variational methods, concentration-compactness principle, and energy estimation methods, etc.