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Yang-Gaudin model: Mathematical toy model goes into lab

发布时间:2024-09-26 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 管习文 DateTime: 2024年9月28日(周六)15:30--17:30
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

管习文研究员,1998年吉林大学博士毕业后在德国和巴西从事博士后研究。2003-2012期间,担任澳大利亚国立大学(ANU)物理与工程研究院研究员、高级研究员,自201210任中科院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院的研究员ANU荣誉教授,香港中文大学振宁学人,Journal of Physics A执行编委。主要从事冷原子和自旋系统的严格解研究,取得了一系列在具有国际影响力的研究成果,提出的多项理论预言已被实验验证,至今发表150SCI论文,发表期刊包括Science》、Review of Modern Physics》、《Nature子刊、Physical Review Letters》等

Place: 六号教学楼二楼学术报告厅
Abstract:It has long been appreciated that exactly solved mathematical models describing the statistical mechanics of interacting particles have played a key role in the development of formerly unrelated areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. However, over the past two decades striking experimental achievements in trapping and cooling atoms in one-dimensional optical waveguides have provided remarkable realisations of exactly solved models in the lab. In particular, the study of interacting fermions provides a unique environment to explore novel quantum many-body effects like quantum liquids, criticality, nonequlibrium thermodynamics, generalized hydro -dynamics, transport and metrology in one dimension. In this talk, I will describe some fundamental concepts of quantum integrability of the Yang-Gaudin model, i.e. the 1D delta-function interacting Fermi gas, and their relevance to recent and future experiments with this mathematical toy model.