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Network Classes and Their Mathematical Properties

发布时间:2024-05-31 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 张洛欣 DateTime: 2024年6月11日(周二)上午10:00-11:00
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Place: M323
Abstract:Phylogenetic networks over a set of taxa are rooted, directed acyclic graphs in which leaves represent the taxa, the non-leaf indegree-1 nodes represent speciation events and the nodes with multiple incoming edges represent reticulation events when they are used to model the evolutionary history of a set of genomes. In the study of algorithmic issues of phylogenetic networks, different classes of phylogenetic networks have been investigated. The popular network classes include galled network, tree-child network, tree-based network, etc. I will discuss our recent work on counting and enumeration of count tree-child networks and its subclasses.