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Dual Markov Chain and Dual Number Matrices with Nonnegative Standard Parts

发布时间:2023-10-31 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 祁力群 DateTime: 2023年11月3日(周五)下午16:00-17:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

祁力群教授为香港理工大学应用数学系荣休教授,杭州电子科技大学特聘教授,俄罗斯Petrovskaya科学与艺术研究院外籍院士,是国际运筹学和最优化领域的领军人物之一,研究范围涉及到计算数学、最优化、张量分析、超图和李代数等多个理论与应用领域,且在涉足的每个领域都成果丰硕、影响深远;在国际杂志上发表370篇论文,在2003-2010年度被列为世界高被引数学家,2018、2019和2020年被再次列为世界高被引数学家入选 2021 年度“全球前 2%顶尖科学榜单”。在十个国际杂志担任主编或编委,并在澳大利亚,中国大陆,意大利和香港组织多次国际学术会议。2010年,祁力群教授获中国运筹学会终身成就奖。祁力群教授在 2005 年提出高阶张量特征值,继而形成高阶张量谱理论,在生物医学工程,超图谱理论和量子力学等方面取得应用,并于 2017 年和 2018 年分別在美国工业应用数学协会和斯普林格出版社出版张量理论的英文专著 2 部。

Place: 六号楼323报告厅
Abstract:We propose a dual Markov chain model to accommodate probabilities as well as perturbation, or error bounds, or variances, in the Markov chain process. This motivates us to extend the Perron-Frobenius theory to dual number matrices with primitive and irreducible nonnegative standard parts. We show that such a dual number matrix always has a positive dual number eigenvalue with a positive dual number eigenvector. The standard part of this positive dual number eigenvalue is larger than or equal to the modulus of the standard part of any other eigenvalue of this dual number matrix. We present an explicit formula to compute the dual part of this positive dual number eigenvalue. The Collatz minimax theorem also holds here. The results are nontrivial as even a positive dual number matrix may have no eigenvalue at all. An algorithm based upon the Collatz minimax theorem is constructed. The convergence of the algorithm is studied. We give an upper bound on the distance of stationary states b...