Graduate Program
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The 6th Graduate Student Academic Activity Day was held smoothly

Time:2019-05-17  Author:  ClickTimes:

On November 24, the 6th Graduate Student Academic Activity Day was successfully held in the 6401 lecture hall of the College. Professor Liu Hongwei, Vice Dean of Shutong College, Professor Zheng Gaofeng, Deng Yinbin, He Xinggang, Wang Chunxiang, Zhang Xiaofei, tutor Li Dong, doctoral students from other brother colleges such as Sun Yat-sen University, Wuhan University and all 2018 graduate students of our college participated in this activity. The activity was sponsored by the Graduate Students'Association of the University of Mathematical Systems and chaired by Professor Liu Hongwei, Vice Dean.

Nine Master's and Doctoral students who won the National Scholarship in 2018 and Dr. Yan Zhihui, School of Mathematics, Sun Yat-sen University presented their research reports in turn. They took the students with them into the academic ocean. Some students actively raised their own questions and received on-site answers. At the same time, the teachers affirmed each speaker and put forward appropriate suggestions. Dang's opinion. The academic activity lasted until 3 p.m., and students expressed that they had benefited a lot from it.

The Graduate Academic Activity Day of Shutong University is a brand activity created by several institutes in the series of activities of "the month of building tutorial relationship" sponsored by the Ministry of Research and Technology in 2018. Through the establishment of brand activities, the Institute enriches the campus life of graduate teachers and students, strengthens the exchanges between graduate teachers and students, enhances the friendship between teachers and students, displays the good style of the campus tutorial team, and builds the "virtue and cultivation of people" of graduate tutes. Good atmosphere.