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Smooth locus of Spec(Z) for a finite W-algebra in prime characteristic and the connection to the modular representations

发布时间:2021-09-27 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 舒斌 DateTime: 2021年10月18日(周一)上午09:00-10:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:


Place: 六号楼二楼报告厅
Abstract:In this talk, I will describe the center Z of the finite W-algebra U(g,e) with a semisimple Lie algebra g over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p>0, and an arbitrarily given nilpotent element e ∈ g. For Spec(Z), we show that it is a normal variety, and its Azumaya locus coincides with its smooth locus of smooth points. The former locus reflects irreducible representations of maximal dimension for U(g,e).This is a joint work with Yang Zeng.