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Eigenvalue and heat kernel estimates on the canonical bundle of Kaehler manifolds

发布时间:2021-06-15 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 朱萌 DateTime: 2021年6月21日(周一)下午13:30-14:30
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Place: 线上会议(会议号请联系程亮老师获取)
Abstract:Let M be an m dimensional closed Kaehler manifold. We will present certain eigenvalue and heat kernel estimates for the Hodge Laplacian acting on smooth sections of the canonical bundle of M, i.e., (m,0)-forms. The main results only rely on the bound of the Ricci curvature, and the volume and diameter of M, instead of the bound of the whole curvature tensor in the general p-form case. This is a joint work with Zhiqin Lu and Qi S. Zhang.