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Introduction to the shrinking gradient Ricci solitons

发布时间:2019-05-23 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 张世金 DateTime: 2019年5月28日(周二)下午4:00-5:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:


Place: 六号楼二楼报告厅
Abstract:In this talk, first I mainly introduce some important results of the shrinking gradient Ricci solitons. Secondly, I will introduce some results of the shrinking gradient Ricci solitons: (1) Volume growth; (2) A gap theorem; (3)Classification of Kahler case for nonnegative holomorphic bisectional (or orthogonal bisectional ) curvature. The bisectional curvature part of (3) is a joint work with Guoqiang Wu.